domingo, 15 de noviembre de 2015

Audi A3 • A3 Sportback Audi S3 Quick reference guide

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Dear Audi Driver, This quick reference guide gives you an overview of the main features and controls of your vehicle. However, it cannot replace the detailed Owner’s Manual which contains important information and safety warnings. Please refer to your Owner's Manual for detailed information on your vehicle. You will find everything you need to know about the radio, CD, navigation, TV and telephone functions in the Operating Manual for your sound system or navigation system. We wish you safe and enjoyable motoring with your new Audi. 

systems such as:

   1. open sky  sum roof 
   2. hil hold assist 
   3. crusie control  system
   4. seat adjustment
   5.  controls and displays

Navigation system plus 

Warning  and  indicator lamps

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